Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to Write Daily (or Meet Whatever Writing Goal You Set) More Easily - WritingSpirit Blog

More helpful advice on how to write daily, and meet any goal you like to set. It helps to remain focused and to be aware - aware of your own needs, the needs of those around you (work or family or pets) as well as have a PLAN.

A big goal is a brilliant thing to have, but how do we achieve it? By lots of little steps.

How to Write Daily (or Meet Whatever Writing Goal You Set) More Easily - WritingSpirit Blog

1 comment:

  1. All good advice, Sarah. The thing that resonates most strongly for me out of her suggestions is 'why' -- understanding the 'why' of your writing (for yourself as a writer, and for your readers) has been crucial to me in establishing a pattern of daily writing. In fact, I haven't really needed to think about the pattern at all, once I'd really nutted out exactly what the purpose of my writing (in this case, a quartet of novels is)both personally and in what I hope to share with other readers. The 'why', in this case, is so strong that everything about it, from inspiration point to planning to first drafting to rewriting and editing, follows on effortlessly. I notice with pieces where the 'why' is not so strong, that more focus, and a planned committment, are important. Otherwise they don't eventuate, or remain unfinished or 'half-baked'. Which all conversely shows me how strong and compelling the 'why' is for each bit of writing I undertake. And *that* shows me not only where to put my energy, but where it naturally wants to go, and where it will be most fruitful. All great fun! :-)
